
A Look at Idaho's First Boy's Volleyball Club Team

There's no "I" in team, a sentiment the Idaho Strike Boys Volleyball Club knows all too well.

"I think it's the best thing you can do for a young person is to put them on a team and make them understand the team mentality," said Coach Steve Morton. "You're only as strong as your weakest link and if there's a weak link on your court, the other team is going to find it and that's why you have to be able to pick that player up, you have to help them, that way they're not the weak link anymore."

Encouraging each player isn't always easy, but it's the approach of kindness that Coach Morton has been taking since he started working with this team five years ago that helps them improve.

"He's been super supportive throughout my entire time playing and he's just helped me, like, just figure out how to play the sport and how to love the sport," said senior player Chase Sakadales.

To Coach Morton, winning is secondary to learning and having fun.

"Steve has been great," said senior player Jack Rider. "He's allowed me to start setting, he's been super opening and just encouraging. I think I wouldn't have gotten as good as I am without him coaching me."

To say thank you for all that Coach Morton has done, Mountain America Credit Union is paying it forward in the amount of $500!

Idaho Strike Boys Volleyball Club is made up of ten young men under the age of 19. They meet up to practice twice a week, travel state to state for competitions and say they're really happy to have Morton as their coach.

"He's a good guy," saidSakadales.

That feeling of appreciation is mutual.

"These guys are amazing, they come out, they want to learn. I love the regional team because they're athletes and they have a passion for the sport," said Coach Morton. "It's always been my dream to coach volleyball and this is a dream come true."

Coach Morton has been playing volleyball for 35 years and is excited to help others develop a lifelong relationship with the sport.

"That's the reason I come out here. You don't do it for the money, you do it for the team and they are a great group of guys that I just enjoy spending every practice away from my family for," said Coach Morton. "It's like golf to be honest with you, I can play this game till I'm 65 years old competitively, to an extent."

If you want to join the Idaho Strike Boys Volleyball Club, they will be holding tryouts at the end of summer. For more information, click here.


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-08-02